“I never want to say that I love art more than I love anything else, because it isn’t true. I love my children, and I would give up my art for them. But were I forced to make that trade, my sons would have a hollow, mute mother. When I found art, I found my voice. By allowing my soul to speak through my art, I am constantly learning who I am. Of all life’s discoveries, this is among the most precious: to know myself.
Wow! Mary, Your last paragraph just said it all! Last night we installed 2 panels of 72x44 side by side of ‘Brush of Life’ in a private home. About 6 months of preparation, dreams, music, insights, practice, etc. and life shows up in this one. A most daring, life changing and delightful experience for me. During that time I couldn’t really share this inner (amazingly vulnerable) world, that you so clearly articulate here, even with family/friends. And I’m learning to feel and hold space for this inner world to grow with love all around.
I feel the same. Making art is my self therapy. It keeps me sane and feeling fulfilled.
Mary, you do not know me by name but let me say I learn a bit more about self growth through your personal insights. Thank-you
I used to be called the Queen of Refuse by Patrick because I recycled for S.I.F.F.
This is great!
Big hugs from Sedona. xox
Wow! Mary, Your last paragraph just said it all! Last night we installed 2 panels of 72x44 side by side of ‘Brush of Life’ in a private home. About 6 months of preparation, dreams, music, insights, practice, etc. and life shows up in this one. A most daring, life changing and delightful experience for me. During that time I couldn’t really share this inner (amazingly vulnerable) world, that you so clearly articulate here, even with family/friends. And I’m learning to feel and hold space for this inner world to grow with love all around.